"Painting is helping people see what is already there."
-Jeffrey Hayden Shurdut
This brief retrospective includes Shurdut's most recognizable, "The American Dream meets overindulgence, debt, recessions, divorce, the predominantly two income family, and a better educated,
over- medicated generation of self-entitled idealists." (JHS)
Jeffrey Hayden Shurdut, American painter, mixed media artist, musician, performer, and producer, grew up in a model postmodern suburban community. A champion of the American landscape, Shurdut paints in deep psychological fields and is most recognized for his portrait of fantasy and fallout in a world of unrealistic expectation.
Compared to: Max Ernst, Jean Debuffet, Erland Cullberg, Karel Appel, Willem De Kooning meets Jasper Johns and Norman Rockwell.
Shurdut smashes through the early influences of Norman Rockwell and his dream, driving thru pristine white picket fences and unmasking another side to reality.
Awards, Selected Exhibitions, Installations:
The Whitney Museum of American Art, Biennial, Columbia University, Annual Art Installation Grant Award, Graduate School of Arts & Sciences, The University of Pennsylvania, Guest Artist, Ars Nova, The Schine Center, Avery Fisher Hall; juried by: The International Gallery of Contemporary Art, The National Gallery at the Smithsonian Institute, The University of California at Berkeley. Funding: The New York State Council for the Arts, The New York State Council for the Arts, The New York State Council for the Arts, City Parks.
Recipient of The MM&A Foundation Grant.
Artist In Residence: "BIG EYES", Sweden
Selected Galleries: Galleri Rubens (Sweden, Darlana), Galleri Elenor, V-17, Tonne (Norway, Oslo), Galleri Reykjavik (Iceland), The Gallery Center at Boca Raton (Fla.), The Midoma Studio, Gallery 128, Carlo Alessi (Chelsea, NYC), Galleri Kronan (Sweden). Selected Articles & Appearances: The NY Times, NBC's "Live at Five," WLIW, Metro
TV (USA), Luvika Tidning (Sweden), IMPASTO! (USA), and The State of Art (Belgium).
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